Many people live with allergies to foods and substances that trigger immune reactions within the body. An allergen can induce a reaction through various forms of contact, including breathing, touch, eating and injection. Immune responses can range from mild to severe, potentially affecting any of the body’s organ systems, including the respiratory system, the skin, the neurological system, and the digestive system.
Many people associate allergies with seasonal environmental factors, pets, foods and bug bites/stings that cause a clear allergic reaction. But the body can react to nearly anything in any way. In fact, many allergies and food intolerances cause much more subtle and underlying symptoms than a rash or anaphylaxis. A person can live years with symptoms like headaches, chronic fatigue, excess mucus, and even digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea – all completely unaware that these problems are caused by something as simple as a food intolerance.

Did you know…

that an estimated 50 million Americans suffer from at least one allergy? In fact, allergies have become increasingly common over the past two centuries, becoming the 5th most common disease among U.S. adults. It is also the 3rd most common chronic disease among U.S. children.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never had an allergic reaction. Is it possible I still have allergies?

The body’s auto-immune response to external substances is not always obvious. Even if you have never had your eyes water in the springtime or felt the helpless feeling of your throat swelling after eating peanuts, you could still be living with allergies without knowing it. You need a consultation with a qualified health care practitioner who can identify your allergies and develop a plan for eliminating them.

How will you determine what – if anything – I am allergic to?

We have very specific methods for determining what types of substances you may be allergic to. We can test for very specific allergic reactions in our office, though we find that food is often the culprit of a patient’s symptoms. A simple intolerance to gluten, wheat, dairy, preservatives or food additives for example, can cause a complex set of symptoms and reactions within the body. By reviewing a patient’s symptoms and eliminating certain foods from his or her diet, we can pinpoint the allergy and create a plan for managing it.

What types of allergy therapies are available?

We offer many types of natural allergy therapies. We find that many patients benefit from acupuncture and detoxification, which can reduce or eliminate allergies altogether. For more information about allergy elimination, contact our office to schedule a consultation today.

Otolaryngologists diagnose and treat symptoms and diseases related to the ear, nose and throat. Also known as an ‘ear, nose, and throat doctor’, a physician with this specialty sees and treats both adults and children. An ENT doctor has a comprehensive understanding of the head and neck structures, qualifying them for the treatment of related infections, sensory disruption, allergic reactions, congenital defects, and more.

Did you know…

that otolaryngology is the oldest recognized medical specialty in America? Demand for ENT physicians is strong and across America, seeing as how nearly all children and adults develop symptoms pertaining the ears, nose, throat, and related head and neck structures at some point in their lives – some chronically. In fact, an estimated 35 million people develop chronic sinusitis each year in the U.S. alone.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I seek care from an ENT?

You should speak with your primary care provider about visiting an ENT if you have any unusual symptoms – whether acute or chronic – related to the ear, nose and throat. Examples include:

What should I expect during my visit?

Your initial visit to an ENT will include a review of your present symptoms and health history. Your doctor will then examine your ears, nose, and throat for structural abnormalities and signs of infection. Depending on the results of your exam, additional testing such as a hearing screening may be necessary.

What types of conditions do ENT providers treat?

Ear, nose, and throat doctors treat a variety of conditions and diseases, including:


Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder that interferes with healthy breathing patterns during sleep. It is characterized by snoring, which may be so loud that it affects the sleep quality of bed partners. Having sleep apnea can put a strain on relationships, cause daytime fatigue, and even lead to other secondary conditions like depression. Worse, severe cases of sleep apnea can be life threatening.

Though snoring is a primary symptom of sleep apnea, not all people who snore actually have sleep apnea. As much as 50 percent of Americans snore at some time, whether occasionally or chronically. However, only 20 percent of American adults have sleep apnea. So how do you know the difference? Harmless snoring does not interfere with breathing patterns. Sleep apnea, on the other hand, causes breathing cessations and sometimes ‘gasping’ during sleep.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need treatment for sleep apnea?

You may need to see a doctor if you or your partner have been awakened by your chronic snoring and/or gasping for air. Though this condition can be very dangerous, your doctor can help you discover ways of managing sleep apnea and protecting healthy breathing during sleep.

How will my doctor screen for sleep apnea?

Your doctor’s first goal will be to determine whether your snoring is benign or a symptom of sleep apnea. This may be determined by speaking with you and your partner about your symptoms. If you do not have a partner who can confirm snoring or breathing interruptions, your doctor may request a sleep study.

What types of treatments are available for people with sleep apnea?

There are many ways of treating the symptoms of sleep apnea. This may include conservative approaches, such as a new sleeping position or the use of an oral appliance. If your apnea symptoms are severe or conservative treatments are not working, you may be prescribed a continuous positive airway pressure device (CPAP) to open the airway. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Keep in mind that a diagnosis of sleep apnea is not always permanent. Many patients find that losing weight can be an effective way of opening the airway during sleep.

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